Imagine that yesterday you began receiving unsolicited credit cards in your mailbox at home. You get calls from the new bank accounts or credit cards asking for more information on the account that you just opened. Or, you get bills for credit cards that you did not open, usually for high dollar amounts. You check your credit report and you find that your credit score has dropped. So, you call a Credit Bureau and find out that someone has stolen your identity.
Your first step is to freeze your credit, which the Credit Bureau does for you. Then you find out that it all started when you moved residences and never cancelled the old internet service account with your old vendor. The computer network at your old home did not have a firewall turned on and someone hacked into your computer. They stole your address book and your email account, all without your knowledge. Then when you moved, they logged into your old email address and learned more about you. They learned your spending habits from your email, credit card statements sent to your email account, and your online e-commerce accounts. They logged into your social media accounts and learned more about you. They got your account passwords, because you saved it in a folder that could be accessed from your email account.
In order to help identify the cyber criminal that stole your identity, you should enlist the services of a Computer Forensics Expert. A digital forensics expert can investigate your computers, cell phone, email accounts, Apple ID’s, Google accounts, Bank Accounts, etc. to help unearth evidence of the how and the who behind the identity theft.
While it is critical to seek the aid of a computer forensics expert after an incident of Identity theft, what can you do to proactively to help prevent such a theft from occurring?
5 Things You Can Do Now To Help Protect Yourself From Identity Theft:
Personal Identity Theft has been rising continually, but consulting with your trusted IT provider can help increase your security. If you do become a victim of Identity Theft, it is critical to reach out to your trusted Computer Forensic Expert to help you mitigate the damage and to seek restitution.
Founded in 2003, ELIJAH is a multi-award-winning leader in providing expert digital forensic, data security solutions, and managed IT. ELIJAH is owned and managed by former litigation partners and is an efficient boutique digital forensic, cybersecurity and IT solutions provider that makes clients’ lives easier through effective communication and white glove service. For additional information, please visit or call 866-354-5240.